
Archive for June, 2009

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On to Cambodia

Tuesday 10 PM Mumbai Airport

A fairly uneventful flight and check in process to prepare for my flight to Bangkok.  I will arrive there early in the morning to be met by Patinya Thitathorn our Dean of Bangkok’s Servant Leadership school.  I am hoping for a restful day although I will be preaching for the Watcharapon congregation in the evening.  I did witness quite a battle between baggage security and a family travelling to Jorday. 

I have a lengthy wait but am enjoying watching people.  BTW Jordan–you would be proud of the restroom facilities in Mombai Airport –they are all Kohler!

Thurs. 8 AM Bangkok

My first glitch.  Patinya and I missed each other at the airport and I had to stay at a hotel near the airport.  I slept for nearly 12 hours.  The owners said they were worried about me because no sound or no calls for food, etc.  It was just what the Dr. ordered.  Surrounded by very nice and very helpful people.

I got to call Shirley for the first time…!!!!  I will go back to the airport in an hour and then on to Cambodia once I find a place for some visa pictures.  I will be back in Thailand next week and looking forward to it.

Hot and humid…have I mentioned that already?

BTW — 1st thing “Tom” my houseboy asked me in the room when I registered was, “you want all night companion?”  Tried to show me pictures…Another sign of what Americans must mean to Asia.

10 AM Bangkok Airport

I am too early to check in for the flight so I am exploring.  They don’t let taxi drivers in to the level of the arrivals so they stand at the railing a level above and try to attract your attention.  They have very inventing ways.  My favorite is to see them yell out “Tom”, “John”, “David”…trying to guess your name like they were waiting especially for you.  Must work some of the time!

Called Shirley again.  All is well at home.  Jayson’s team won their league championship.  Brad a Becca will go to Stanford on Friday for a check up…Nick is looking for a new car.

Friday the 12th 3:30 PM — Phnom Penh

I am enjoying the hospitality of the Dolan home.  They had 35 weeks of visitors last year…I will try to stay out from underfoot.  Took a short trip to the central market today.  Close quarters, no air, I will remember the smells and sights.  Tonight is the CBI (Cambodia Bible Institute) graduation.  I am looking forward to meeting the students.  BTW the tuk tuk’s are quite fun and the traffic is not half as bad as India.

Sunday the 14th 8:00 AM

Friday’s graduation was a joyous occassion.  50 plus people gathered to honor the graduates.  It was my first time to speak at such an occasion.  I charged the graduated from 2 Tim. 2.  I also had the honor of signing their diplomas on behalf of Sunset.  I am beginning to make friends.  The Khmer people are sweet and thoughtful and considering the last 50 years that is amazing.  They also love a party and the feast was very nice.

Yesterday was a rest day.  The school year has just finished and all are pretty tired.  I had a great chance to ask many questions about Khmer history and the history and thoughts about the ongoing work at CBI.  Rich and Dennis are both able leaders and Rich’s work as the dean has been exemplary.  The school is in good hands.  His wife Rhonda is the daughter of Loren Hollingsworth…now that’s a mission family!

Sunday 8 AM  Phnom Penh church of Christ

This morning I am worshipping with the PP church.  It is located directly across the street from the school.  A student from CBI is teaching and James Lork, their preacher, is interpreting.  I am sitting next to Brad’s cousin Ryan Campbell, missionary in China, who has come to teach English here for a month.  We have never met…What a small world!


Worshipping tonight at PIP house (Partners in Progress).  A parachurch organization that teaches English by use of Dick Ady’s WEI material, and they also take food to the hungry.  There are many new faces from this morning including a number of PIP workers and ex-pats.

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On the Road…

INDIA – The Journey of a Lifetime

June 4 – 1:30 Pm PST

I am aboard United Flight #869 out of SFO bound for Hong Kong.  It is going to be 13 and a half hours flight time and a short layover and another 5 and a half to Mumbai.

I am balancing excitement and trepidation.  This will be a true test for me coming after a number of “less than stellar” years of ministry.

The obvious excitement comes from the opportunities to be of use in the good work God is doing is His plan to redeem man.  Ministry Training to open the doors of Asia – and maybe a new chance for the world to hear the gospel and forming relationships and friendships with the world’s finest men and women.  I will be seeing the world that many would wish to see.

My trepidation comes in the distance from family in miles and time.  I was able to see Kyle’s entrance into the world and Rebecca return home – but a lot of change can happen in a month.  Maybe my bigger concern has to do with the thing that lay ahead.  The maintenance of the schools already open is a little easier and wonderful as I follow their progress and victories.  But, the responsibility for exploring  the possibilities of new beginnings is daunting.  Reading people, issues of trust, etc.  the difference between good and best—the knowledge that I will disappoint some dreams.

All in all today is a good day.  Eternity is in the balance.  God gives one wisdom and strength and I believe will watch over my family.

6/4 – 4:15 PM

The ride has been a little bumpy but is better now.  That makes one meal down and two to go.  Fly to Hong Kong and what do they feed you?  Meat loaf, potatoes, peas, a roll, and a double fudge brownie.  How am I supposed to get in the mood eating that?  I am in seat 55C (way in the back), but at least it is an aisle seat with an empty middle seat.  A young Chinese girl at the window is wearing a mask to protect herself from the flu.  I have forgotten the agony of such long flights.  Note to self –Loose 50 lbs!

Today I received the most wonderful set of text messages from Jenna and Nick, John and Jordan Wagner.  The one from Jordan touched me deeply as he will be gone to Wisconsin by the time I get back.  We have been through a lot together and I don’t think he knows how much he means to me.  I miss Shirley powerfully already…she should be with me!  Going to a mission field w/o her just doesn’t seem right.  When we reach a little better financial situation she must be included at least part of the time.  I worry a bit about the economy and how well it will allow me to do my job.  But, I believe in my brethren and I believe that God will allow good works to flourish.  SO TO ALL OF YOU WHO ARE PARTNERED WITH US WE THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH.

6-4 7:03 PST

We have passed over the Aleutian Islands and are currently nearing Russia.  Our pat will take us now south between Tokyo and Beijing.  Looks like we have just picked up a tailwind.  I have found you can watch a movie w/o listening to it and catch most of what is going on.  They are promising a snack – 33,011 feet altitude 3614 miles to destination at 585 mph.  Wish you were here Garry!

9:32 PST

Snack is done.  Dry noodles with hot water poured over them (in other words Top Ramen)—bring back the meat loaf!  The lemon cookie is good.  We are still chasing the sun.  Makes sleep less conducive.  They are now showing another inane movie, this time it is about a shopaholic. With the movie choices they have seen, it’s a wonder what the rest of the world must think of us. 

12:45 AM 6-5

Time moves slowly at 35,000 feet.  I don’t know what is complaining more…my back or my bum.  Mom and Shirley would have loved the Top Chef episodes dubbed in Chinese.  Too bad it is three seasons old.  They are about to serve us dinner…my brain is saying it’s breakfast time.

2:08 AM

I am having a breakfast of a turkey and cheese sandwich, come on people, make up your mind!  We will be arriving in Hong Kong momentarily.  I think of how much a blessing or prison it is being born where we are. God give us the desire to help these people who surround me today.

3:30 AM PST

A rushed and sweat drenched dash through the Hong Kong airport.  Haven’t, and won’t get a good look at the city this time.  Maybe on the way back through.  It’s hot and muggy!!!  Really, no kidding!

5:42 AM

On the road to Mumbai (kinda).  I have found a new favorite airline – Jet Airways.  Very nice!  They even have cologne in the economy “washroom”.  No Pepcid in the carry on, that was a huge mistake. So I will pass on a meal or Moong Pakodi dur Chave Ki Cliaat, Dum Ka Murgh, and Zank e Shahi for dessert.  But they do have diet Pepsi.  Three hours of sleep would be nice.

7:45 AM PST

Just over the northern end of the Bay of Bengal and a startling jolt of the plane.  I think we were hit by lightning.  We are surrounded by lightning strikes that can be seen many place out of the north side of the airplane. God is just making his presence known.  Shirley will be headed to work soon.  Have great day darling – IT’S FRIDAY!  We should be in Mumbai within 2 hours.

12:57 PM PST Dec. 5 – 1:23 AM Dec. 6 in India

I have arrived safely Mumbai.  The plane ride was less eventful than the bus ride from the International to Domestic terminals.  Guard on bus was asleep.  Even though because of traffic conditions, it took an extra hour and a half to get here.  Shanty towns home to the “Slumdogs” are seen inching up all the way to the boundaries of the airport.  It is amazing the amount of people out and about at this time of the morning.  I will surely get used to the humidity eventually…but not in the next hour!  Oh, and don’t leave the tiniest crack in a line.  Spacial zones are much different here.  And now I find myself with a 5 hour wait now for my flight to Hyderabad.  I am too curious to sleep.  BTW Shirley it is 23 hours SFO to Mumbai.

5:35 PM PST

I am now aboard Kingfisher Air about to leave Mumbai for Hyderabad.  I have a small measure of fear that I will see no sign with my name on it when I arrive.  Assuming that I am met, I then will have a 4 hour drive to Bidar.  34 hours total and only 2 hours sleep.  Every part of my body is crying out. I will meet R. Patterson on my next stop.  He says he will be holding a sign with my name on it.  I have met several nice and interesting people.  The workforce seems quite young and energetic with a great command of English.  Now a good visit, a hot shower and a 12 hour sleep is what I need (yeah, right!).  Did I mention it was muggy?  There is actually a cloud forming in the plane.  Missions is great!!  Thanks Truman!!  Here we go…

Sat. night 9 PM India time

I will tell you of my day from Hyderabad onward.  Patterson and his brother Nelson, and a friend Ronald where waving a big sign when I walked in the sweltering heat of South India. Patterson is 29 and newly married.  Both he and his brother who married a little over a year ago have wives who were selected for them by their parents.  Patterson is a man who obviously loves the Lord and has the scars to prove it.  We proceeded to Bidar (pronounced Bee’- Der) in traffic that has to be seen to be believed.  It made Mexico City look like Lodi.  First time I have ever seen 5 cars passing one another in two lands,  two going in our direction and three coming the other way.  Apparently there are no road rules…the bigger the vehicle the more right–of- way.  Fortunately Nelson is an excellent driver, thank the Lord!  The sights and sounds of India make an impression on you immediately.  There are zillions and zillions of people everywhere.  Poverty is widely seen, cows, water buffalo, goats and wild dogs share the streets equally.  Even saw a camel, but it was being led.  But, tell Troy – no elephants yet.  It took four hours to drive 100 miles.  Arrive in Bidar to the sight of many buildings being torn down to bring about the widening of the roads.  Everywhere there are three wheels “autos”, 1000’s of trucks, and not one tenth of a second goes by without the honking of horns.

Sunday 10:30 AM

Our activities yesterday continued with a quick stop at the internet café so I could message home and say all is well.  It was quickly followed by a shower at the Hotel (more surely to come about the Ashoka Hotel).  Off to the meeting place of the church at Reuben’s home.  Have I mentioned that I have not seen another American or European for that matter since I left the first plane in Mumbai.  I feel like the focal point of each eye as I pass.  There is strangeness being a minority that is hard to explain.  However, I believe it is probably doing good things for me.

Sunday 6:30 PM

I have just experience a wonderful sleep after hours of preaching and a little sightseeing punctuated by a downpour.  I woke in the middle of the night to a huge puddle in the room from the rain.  When I woke later it was dry, I guess 95% humidity will do that.  My room has power about 50% of the time.  While the AC runs, noisy as it is…it is bearable.  After that….forget it. 

This morning found us worshipping.  How sweet it was…50 people were gathered.  Preaching, even with an interpreter was easy with such eater eyes.  After worship many came and ask me to pray for them.  Bro. Reuben explained it is normal and that people that they respect or come from a long ways away the usually ask to pray for them. Mostly they wanted to pray for an illness or students in their studies.


Lunch (my first food in 30 hours—heat will to that to me). A beautiful dish of Biryana was prepared.  Look it up and try it…but Sister Sarojini makes her own curry.  That fine experience was followed by three more hours of teaching.  I am now on a two hour break before we go to the village tonight to preach.  My experiences here have been wonderful. It is a whole new world.  I am ill-equipped to live it, but am anxious to help these valiant brothers and sisters in the faith.  If anyone and anywhere is deserving of help it is here!




Mon. 6:45 AM

I have waken early this morning to the sounds of main street Bidar and the clanking of AC and fan.  I had power all night, but no hot water this morning.  Oh well, “free received, freely give”…go Pepperdine.


Last night at 9 PM we went to the village of Sulthanpur and met in the home of a Mr. Charles.  It is the village where Patterson’s father Reuben was born.  I was told this was a family with which they were studying and might be open to being baptized into Christ.  All included there were 26 of us gather, 19 adults or older children that were not members of the body.  I scoped Acts 1-8, emphasizing the development of relating with God through Christ.  We talked thoroughly about repentance and baptism and the examples of the 3000 on Pentecost and the Ethiopian met and taught by Philip.  They were a wonderful audience, such warmth and smiling faces.  In the end something that has never happened to me before unfolded…Richard Rogers used to say when he preached sometime he had a 100% response…”They all said NO”.  With further teaching and questions and answers in this village of Sulthanpur all 19 said YES!!  Their plans are to come into the city today after working in the fields and being baptized.  Showing that the Kanada translation of Acts is accurate, Charles wife asked the question “Where are you going to DIP us?”  That turned out to be an interesting answer.

It was finally back to Reuben’s for a late midnight meal of curry chicken and japati (and a little left over Biryan).  Back now to the my hotel room where Patterson also is staying for my safety.  Today holds another day of teaching the students and preaching in another village. Surprisingly, I still have a voice.


Monday 8:10 PM

It has been the kind of day preacher’s dream of –except the part of about 6 people searching for hours for a place to baptize nine people.  Later in the day a cattle trough was located in the shadow of a Hindu temple.  Had their been Hindu priests there they would have beat us with sticks and rocks.  10 more will be baptized tomorrow if the bus strike to the village is over.

Besides this there was teaching to do and discussions about the school potential. 54 men and all came for training most of which are ready for full time ministry training. 


I have this study now and will make another trip to a new village tonight to preach in a Methodist church building for all who will come. Then, we will have another late night dinner at the Reuben’s before a little sleep and an early start to Hyderabad.


Tuesday 1 AM

Should be sleeping by had to pack and there is too much to tell.  Our trip to the village of Gornalli tonight is the experience of my lifetime.  We were given permission to use the Methodist church building.  I didn’t know what to expect.  But, the building was packed to overflowing with more than 200 people who had been waiting an hour for us to arrive. I preached for an hour on Acts 2.  The response was wonderful and 95% saying they want to know what God wants them to do to be saved and go to heaven.  Tomorrow one of the younger preachers here who lives in this village Rakesh will (and did) baptize four young men who came to confess Christ.  Don’t forget to ask me about the “prayers” –It was unusual albeit Biblical.  There does however, exist a superstition about “certain men” that needs to be addressed.  Everyone wanted to touch me or have me put my hands on their heads.  I will sleep tonight and tomorrow begin a 21 hour to Bangkok for an overnight stay on the way to Cambodian Bible Institute.

I miss Shirley and my family but I know they are happy to share me.  What a wonderful three days!  Thank the Father for what you have shown me and how you have been willing to use me…

P.S.  I saw my 1st monkeys today


 Tuesday 5:40 – Hyderabad

Patterson got up at 6 this AM to make breakfast arrangements while I packed and wrote for wat I hope upload to my blog ASAP.  I was picked up at 9:30 and we left for Reuben’s and a breakfast farewell.  An Indian breakfast of 3 types of bread (baked, pan fried, and deep fried), dipped in chutney’s  and ended with fresh mango and tea (strong, sweet, and with milk).  After a few chores including the baptism of the four young men from Gonnalli last night, and Nelson going to let  a mechanic  “tighten” some things up on the car.

After a tearful farewell Nelson, Patterson and Patterson’s wife Manjula, and I piled in the car for the trip to Hyderabad. Manjula was going to her home town to visit family and be picked back up on the boys way home.  We stopped and spent a few minutes and took time to pray with her family. Her mother is raising the two young children of Manjula’s sister who past away a couple of years ago.  A stop for diesel, samosas, and Pepsi and we continued the 3 and a half 100 mile journey.

We said our goodbye’s outside the departure terminal. It was not tearful but filled with “This is not the last time we will be together!”





So the highlights?

  1.  Naming Nelson’s baby (Winston btw)
  2. Seeing so many young me in Patterson’s words “mad for God”
  3. Learning that there is a full staff of Native teachers who could begin teaching the many men who are interested in learning. (54 eager to go)
  4. The village trips
  5. The 100% response in Sulthonpur
  6. The 23 baptized
  7. My new family in India
  8. A lifelong friendship with Patterson and Nelson
  9. The “Road” trips
  10. Chatting with Leisha (who “bunked” school two days to share time with me and help meet the needs of others. If I had another son, I would begin negotiations now!!!
  11. The wonderful food prepared by Sister Sarojini and others

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